4 Spa Treatments That Improve Your Focus
No matter how hard we try to maintain a schedule and rhythm to our lives, we often find that we are struggling to maintain focus. Even when we keep well-organized lists, we o
Salt vs. Sugar: Choosing the Right Scrub for Your Skin
Have you ever stood in front of a wall of beauty products and wondered exactly which ones will help you achieve the smooth, soft, luminous skin that they all promise? If so,
What Your Favorite Spa Service Says About Your Personality
For many women, a visit to the spa is a wonderful treat we delight in and truly wish could last far longer than it does. And while we may try new services every now and again
Summer Retreats: Why You Should Head to the Spa
Planning and taking time to enjoy a well-deserved summer retreat can be both incredibly fun and incredibly overwhelming. Confronting the extensive choices of vacation locatio
Spa Etiquette: What You Need to Know for Your Next Visit
When we’re young, we’re taught how to act appropriately at a restaurant and how to properly tip our server. And while there are many other manners and behaviors we lear
What Makes a Good Day Spa
It seems like day spas are popping up all over the place these days as the need for pampering and relaxation continues to increase as the demands of life become more chaotic. How d
How Feeling Pretty Can Enhance Your Mood
Recently, a young high school student in Chicago conducted an experiment; she had people pose in front of a camera and then told them that she was taking pictures of things that sh
Why “Me Time” is Essential for Good Health
All of us deal with some form of stress; whether it’s related to work, family, or just feeling overwhelmed with every day responsibilities, we often spread ourselves too thin
Best Spa Services for a Perfect Mother-Daughter Day
Mothers hold a very special place in our hearts and in our lives. As we grow older and begin our own families or have navigated difficult experiences throughout adulthood, we
7 Ways to Feel Beautiful in a Society Obsessed with Looks
There are many mornings when I wake up feeling exhausted, bloated, and just downright unattractive. I convince myself that no matter how cute my outfit is or how on-point my