4 Ways to Help You Relax During the Day
Your boss is calling your cellphone after you left the office, you can smell dinner burning in the oven, and your toddler just found the hidden pile of permanent markers. The
4 Healthy Benefits of the Sun
Lately, the sun seems to be getting a bad rap. We live in a society that has created paranoia about the dangers of the sun. While too much sun exposure can lead to prem
4 Tips for Leading a More Balanced Life
Health experts and doctors are always telling us that we need to eat a balanced diet, but what exactly does it mean to lead a balanced life? Because everyone is different, ho
Should Honey be Added to Your Beauty Routine?
Honey can typically be found in most people’s kitchen cupboards to add some natural sweetness to their favorite foods and beverages. But today, honey is making a big im
Why “Me Time” is Essential for Good Health
All of us deal with some form of stress; whether it’s related to work, family, or just feeling overwhelmed with every day responsibilities, we often spread ourselves too thin
5 Benefits of Drinking Water: Is It Really the Best Kept Beauty Secret?
Many women swear that drinking plenty of water is really the key to keeping your skin looking youthful and glowing at any age. How could something as easy as drinking more wa
5 Biggest Mistakes You Might be Making in Your Daily Beauty Routine
Once we think we have perfected our morning beauty routine, chances are we don’t try to make any changes to it. Why fix something that isn’t broken? But if
4 Tips to Help You Feel Confidently Beautiful Without Makeup
I’ll be honest. I’m the type of person who used to avoid going to the grocery store or even taking my dog for a walk in public if I wasn’t wearing some type
7 Ways to Feel Beautiful in a Society Obsessed with Looks
There are many mornings when I wake up feeling exhausted, bloated, and just downright unattractive. I convince myself that no matter how cute my outfit is or how on-point my
Best Ways to Create Your Own Happiness
Happiness seems to be something that everyone is always chasing. “If I just lose 5 more pounds”, “if I finally get that job promotion”, or “I ne