Can Lip Balm Make Chapped Lips Worse?
For people who live in colder climates, the winter brings some seriously great benefits—cozy days beside the fire, hitting the snowy slopes with friends, and endless holiday cele
Bacterial Acne or Hormonal Acne: How to Differ & Treat Them
Pretty much everyone experiences an irritating bout of acne at at least one point or another—it’s one of those inevitable things in life. But for some, acne can be a frustr
What’s The Difference Between Microdermabrasion vs Dermabrasion?
Removing dead or damaged skin is the first step to making way for a healthier, more radiant complexion. Of course, there are about three billion (we’ve counted) ways to do it: sa
11 Anti-Aging Ingredients To Use For Youthful Skin
When it comes to anti-aging skincare ingredients, there are a few things you need to know. For one, there are only a handful of ingredients that are clinically proven to have anti-
6 Anti-Blemish Drinks to Help Clear Your Skin
When it comes to acne, there are so many options to try, including taking a more holistic approach, especially for those of us who fall victim to the drying effects of spot treatme
Understanding Hydrating vs. Moisturizing Skin Care
Picture this: You wake up, and your skin feels painfully dry. Or is it dehydrated? It can be hard to tell, just like it can be hard to determine whether you need hydration or moist
Tips on a Pregnancy Skincare Routine to Glow For All 9 Months
Being pregnant is amazing, but with it comes a slew of things to worry about in hopes of keeping your baby as healthy as possible—what to eat, how to keep stress levels down, and
Skin Care Ingredients To Use In Tandem For Maximum Results
Like peanut butter and jelly or wine and cheese, some ingredients just go better together—and the same is true for skin care ingredients. That’s because one ingredient migh
How to Fix Sun Damaged Skin
The sun’s UV rays are the number-one cause for premature aging—or, what it’s more widely referred to: sun damage. Sun damage is what happens when the skin is overexpose
What Causes Wrinkles?
There are plenty of well-known rules and remedies for anti-aging. We all know eye cream is a necessity and retinol is a game-changer. We’ve been told to schedule facials mont