Summer Treatments Just Launched at Botanica Day Spa!
Summer is upon us, and I thought I’d take a moment to tell you about some of the spa services we consider “musts” for the seaso
Prep for Summer with Botanica’s Lipo Slimming Treatment
Summer, tanning, and days at the beach or pool are almost upon us. With winter lasting longer this year for most of the country, Florida seems to be the main destination to escape
What is Warm Bamboo Massage?
Our overall well-being can be dramatically affected by how we are feeling both mentally and physically. If we don’t take care of ourselves emotionally, our bodies start to
9 Simple Tips to Get The Most Out of Your Massage
Massage is great for your overall health and well-being. I’m serious! While some may think massage is merely an indulgent hobby, research tells us that massage actually
9 Tips for Detoxing When You Need a Reset
It’s the post-holiday season, which means after being surrounded by refined carbs, alcohol, and a whole lot of sweets. Seriously though, holiday bloat is real, and it
Interested in a Centuries-Old Technique to Boost Your Energy?
Tapping (aka the emotional freedom technique) has been around in one way or another for thousands of years, but it’s Roger Callahan, MD, who is regarded as the founder of mod
10 Ways to Handle Bloating Quick!
The research we’ve done on the subject of bloating is extensive, to say the least. Why? Not only is it a problem that ails most of us at some point or another, but also the
Can Massage Help Reduce Allergy Symptoms?
Whether we’re in winter or spring, we tend to find ourselves struggling with allergies yearround, which can be a real pain. With so many wonderful things to look forward to no ma
What is Melanin?
You probably haven’t heard the term “melanin” and we’re sure it sparked some curiosity just now about what is that is and how it relates to our skin? Don’t worry, we’ve
Do You Pick Your Face? Here’s How to Stop
Our new normal has shifted beyond anything we could of thought to happen this lifetime. Beyond watching how-to’s on hand-washing (who knew we needed a tutorial on this?) and