Sleep Easy: How Massage Can Reduce Sleep Deprivation
It can be incredibly exhilarating to wake in the morning and feel fully refreshed and ready for the day ahead, but it can also be incredibly frustrating to wake from a full night&r
Massage and Myofascial Release
Massage therapy can be wonderfully stimulating and relaxing, no matter an individual’s health and physical condition. However, for those individuals who are suffering t
How Massage Can Improve Winter Joint Pain
While the colder temperatures of the winter season can be wonderfully refreshing in some ways, they can also be problematic in other ways. Not the least of these is the conce
How a Thai Massage Differs from a Traditional Massage
Most individuals would readily agree that a massage, any massage, is wonderfully relaxing. In fact, few individuals are picky about choosing their massage type, and are perfe
The Immune System Benefits of Massage
Most individuals would readily agree that a professional massage yields numerous benefits for the individual. Not only is it incredibly relaxing, helping the individual to re
How Athletes Can Benefit From Massage
Professional athletes have long sworn by massage therapy, often keeping therapists on the payroll at all times. Most individuals agree that a professional massage is a very p
The Importance of Full-Body Exfoliation
In addition to proper nutrition, rest and exercise, our body needs a lot of very specific care in order to remain healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately, no matter how dedicate
Botanica’s Fascia Massage
When considering our basic needs regarding physical health and comfort, we often focus a lot of attention on our main organs, systems and muscles. If you feel sore, tired or
Fitness & Massage: A Combo for Better Health
When it comes to taking good care of your body, there are undoubtedly a lot of different things you have to keep in mind. In fact, establishing and maintaining good health can seem
How a Day of Pampering Can Boost Your Mood
Some women pamper themselves often as a matter of course and feel like it is their womanly right to do so. Sad to say, other women may feel selfish about “over-indulgin