The Benefits of Washing Your Face at Night
Deep down inside, we all know that we need to wash our face every single night. However, the excuses sometimes seem to justify the evenings that we don’t, whether on purpose or on accident. It’s understandable! It’s common to be tired at the end of a long day, feel under the weather, stay out too late on a girl’s night and that all makes it much easier to excuse ourselves from nightly face washing. Maybe even think that wearing a natural mineral makeup or minimal makeup look won’t do any harm. Unfortunately, skipping this important regimen once, twice or even regularly is not the best way to keep our skin healthy and glowing in the long run. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered on remedies for this too!
Why Nightly Face Washing is a Must
Just as sleep helps your body to heal and restore energy for the next day, rest allows your skin to rejuvenate. That is, if it’s left free to breathe and produce natural, moisturizing sebum and most importantly, allows evening skin care products to work their magic in tandem with that vital shut-eye! Leaving makeup on your skin overnight, even if it’s natural makeup, can cause the skin to become sore or irritated. When makeup clogs the pores, sebum cannot work properly and instead builds ups on top of the skin, which can cause your skin to look tired and dull the next day. You can also majorly break out by leaving makeup on while you sleep, especially if you have naturally oily skin.
Makeup that is left in contact with your eyes overnight can sometimes cause infections due to the buildup of bacteria that occurs, causing your skin to become inflamed, sore and irritated. It’s certainly not recommended if you wear contacts (and don’t take those out either)!
In addition to removing all makeup from your face, there are other things that need to be cleaned off your face at the end of the day. This may have you tilting your head in curiosity, and that’s good! The more we learn about our skin, the better we can take care of it so it looks vibrant and youthful for years to come!
Throughout the day your skin attracts dirt and pollution which will not simply “go away” at night. When you wash your face thoroughly, you free it from impurities that can create problematic skin and allow it to heal and repair. Clean skin while you sleep is so important for the natural cycle of cell regeneration. This allows you to begin the next day with the healthy, beautiful skin that is only further improved by the use of makeup. Irritated and unhealthy skin is difficult to hide, even with skillful makeup application.
While I can’t emphasize enough the health benefits to your skin by washing your face every night, it’s also noteworthy to avoid using irritating products or over-washing your skin. Our skin has natural oils and lipids that are important for protecting and caring for the skin. Irritating products and over-washing can strip the skin of these important elements, which in turn causes the skin to over-produce them, creating an excess of oils, making the skin greasy and leading to more breakouts. So while it is important to wash your skin twice a day, it is also important to use gentle, natural products and avoid over-washing. Consulting with a professional aesthetician can absolutely help you find the right products to use for your skin type!
What to Do When You’ve Gone Too Many Nights Without Washing Off Your Makeup
Are you wincing by now at realizing how often you’ve blundered on not washing your face at night? Don’t fret! Botanica Day Spa is your perfect solution for helping reverse any issues your skin might be having because of it. Our fabulous list of facial services is just what your skin needs to clear away and refresh your face! Dermaplaning, micro needling, deep cleansing, and many other treatments will be your best friend for repairing any boo-boos caused by not washing your makeup off or simply not keeping to a crucial evening skin care regimen.
Call Botanica today at 727-441-1711 to book your facial (or book online here) and we’ll educate you on the best skin care tips, products, and the importance of maintaining a regular facial for gorgeous skin!
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