Skin 911: Post Waxing Tips to Ease the Pain
The sun is shining a little more warmly every day as we get closer to beach days and more fun times that you’re probably looking forward to this upcoming summer. Since Spring has officially arrived, you may already be sporting some of your favorite summer looks, which means you’re likely showing a little more skin than you have been the last several months. Shaving might not be the best option if you’ve let your hair grow during the winter months. A fresh wax is the perfect way to look smooth and feel silky soft in an instant. Of course, waxing isn’t exactly a feel-good experience and can cause some discomfort. Here are some tips for easing the pain and getting the most out of your freshly waxed skin.
Stop Redness and Inflammation
Inflammation is your skin’s natural healing response when it gets hurt or injured. Sending blood to the site of a wound helps to fight off potential infection, which is a great health benefit, but it doesn’t make your skin look so hot. Be sure to take an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen or aspirin to help reduce inflammation and temper the pain.
Ice the Area
If your skin tends to be hot naturally, you may need to help it cool down even more following your waxing session. First, sanitize your ice pack with hot water and soap. Wrap it in a clean cloth and place in the freezer until frozen. Then, gently apply the sanitized pack to your swollen skin.
Moisturize Your Skin With Love
Skin loves and craves moisture, so you may feel the urge to moisturize your newly hairless skin immediately after it gets waxed; however, if you notice dry flakes or your skin is feeling tight, wait until any redness has disappeared before applying a moisturizer. Try a moisturizer with skin-healthy oils like jojoba, coconut, or olive oil.
Pre-Waxing Recommendations
If you want to help prevent some of the aftermath of waxing, exfoliate your skin beforehand to help the wax bond more firmly to your skin, which helps pull the hairs out evenly. This can reduce the risk of ingrown hairs that may be left behind.
If you’re feeling a little too furry, it’s time to come to Botanica and see about all of our exceptional waxing services that will have you looking your best this season!
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