9 Ways On How to Remedy Puffy Eyes
You’d think getting an adequate amount of rest and eating a healthy diet would make under-eye puffiness disappear, but alas, we still see bags underneath our eyes. Under-eye changes are inevitable as we all age (dark or bluish discoloration, depressed appearance, puffiness, bags, etc. And identifying the cause of your under-eye puffiness is required prior to determining how to help treat it.
The eyes are areas of highly specialized skin that is vulnerable to several different systems and susceptible to various changes that affect their appearance. Genetics, fluid retention, allergies, sun exposure, lack of sleep, and poor diet can all have a negative impact on the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids.
There’s no easy, catch-all fix to remedy puffy eyes, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any effective treatments to help control eye puffiness.
How to Remedy Puffy Eyes
1. Use a Cold Spoon
One of our favorite puffy eye hacks uses a tool you already have in your kitchen: spoons. Leave two clean teaspoons in your freezer, and on puffy mornings, simply press them against your eyes for a few minutes. This can be done with a spoon kept in the freezer (wet it before applying it to each under-eye area for a few minutes) and will help constrict the vessels and reduce inflammation in the area.
2. Use Depuffing Eye Gels with Caffeine
While we couldn’t do without our morning java jolt, caffeine has also become a star player in skin care products. Eye gels with active ingredients like caffeine, licorice, and other antioxidants are helpful. Especially if they are cooled before application. Try chilling your favorite caffeine-infused under-eye gels overnight, then apply them in the morning while you have your coffee.
3. Stay Hydrated
It’s crucial to stay hydrated for many health reasons, but one of the more cosmetic reasons is to help keep puffiness at bay. When you are dehydrated, your body tries to hold on to all the fluid it can, which could contribute to under-eye puffiness. Studies have found that the ideal water intake for men is 3000 mL, and 2200 mL for women.
4. Invest in a Great Eye Cream, and Use It Consistently
When shopping for under-eye remedies, look for a good moisturizing eye cream with ingredients such as green tea, caffeine, niacinamide, peptides, and other antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and constrict blood vessels to reduce puffiness.
Many eye creams that promise wrinkle reduction contain retinol, and although retinol is great for anti-aging, it can often be irritating in the eye area, given that the skin around the eye is the thinnest and most sensitive anywhere on the body.
For an all-natural eye cream to soothe and de-puff eyes, turn to cold aloe vera gel, which boasts anti-inflammatory properties. Keep a bottle in your fridge and then apply it just like you would eye cream.
5. Try Gentle Rollers to Improve Lymphatic Drainage
The under-eye area is one area on the body where our natural drainage system (lymphatic system) for excess fluid is not the best, some suffering worse than others. There are different ways to accomplish drainage including ice rollers (dual action by helping to massage and directly cool the area), jade rollers, etc. However, frequently rubbing the skin in this area can result in discoloration and a wrinkled appearance.
Eye rollers are a way to provide a gentle massage to the area and are quite effective if used regularly, just don’t apply too much pressure or it can trigger more inflammation.
6. Try a Gentle Double Tap or Facial Massage Technique
Did you know that the way you apply eye moisturizer affects the state of your under-eye area? Rubbing cream or moisturizer on your eyes can cause it to be puffy. Instead, try lightly tapping the area of your eyes and massaging the pressure points to encourage lymphatic drainage.
A simple, gentle tapping motion with your ring finger can go a long way in draining the lymph buildup that causes puffiness.
Starting with your neck to get the drainage started, drag the backs of your knuckles down along the sides of your neck. Then, work your way up your face, sweeping your fingertips outward from the center of your face to your ears. When you reach your eye area, you’ll want to make sure that you have your fingertips gliding across the bone just under your eye with a feathery touch. We recommend using a facial oil during this process to avoid tugging on your skin.
7. Address Allergies
While we welcome spring with its blooming flowers and pleasant weather, we could do without the allergies that accompany it. If you have seasonal or other allergies, it is very common to have extra puffiness under your eyes. If you notice a seasonal change in your eyes, try an over-the-counter antihistamine such as Zyrtec or Allegra daily during the time of year when your allergies are heightened.
8. Get More Sleep
Getting eight to 10 hours of sleep per night helps control puffiness. And while you’re at it, try and keep your head elevated overnight.
If you are sleep-deprived, it usually makes puffiness worse. An often overlooked fix to de-puffing the eye area that can yield amazing results is to simply sleep in a more elevated position. Try adding an extra pillow to help elevate your head and allow the fluid to drain easier at night.
9. Head to the Spa
If at-home options are not working for you, consider a professional treatment with your aesthetician. The best treatment for you may vary based on your individual concern, but in general, the best treatment for under-eye puffiness is typically radiofrequency or micro needling. Also, a professional hand at lymphatic drainage massage on the face tends to do the trick too with your eye treatment!
Call Botanica Day Spa today at 727-441-1711 to book your facial appointment today and check yes on how to remedy puffy eyes from now on.
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