Botanica Day Spa

Wellness6 Different Forms of Anxiety Attacks & Remedies For Each
anxiety attacks

6 Different Forms of Anxiety Attacks & Remedies For Each

Having anxiety can be predictably frustrating and surprisingly enlightening. Every high-stress situation is ultimately a lesson: Often, not understanding what triggered you until after you’ve had time to calm down and reflect, and that ultimately helps inform your coping strategy for next time. In turn, as the years go by, you might have amassed a pretty solid arsenal of tools that work for you, including breathing exercises, necessary wellness rituals, and general paradigm shifts, to name a few.

Of course, these are all highly personal, not to mention situational: One strategy might prove highly effective during an overwhelming day at the office but doesn’t necessarily do the trick when you’re having trouble falling asleep later that night, for example. So with that in mind, those who deal with varying degrees of anxiety should have an idea of which tricks they swear by under different circumstances.

(As always, check-in with your doctor before making any huge changes to your routine—only the two of you can know what works best for you and your mental health.)

From nipping panic attacks in the bud to easing stress-induced insomnia, keep reading to learn how real women curb their anxiety on a daily basis.

If Your Anxiety is Triggered By Work

Schedule “me” time every day after work.

Having anxiety attacks is really difficult to negotiate with your workaholic tendencies—it can be really hard to ever ‘shut off’ for the day, and stressing about tasks and checking emails at all hours and on weekends doesn’t help matters.

One way to make an effort is to give yourself a hard out at the office every day—barring emergencies, make yourself leave at (or before) that time and immediately go do something for yourself, whether it’s a workout class or even just checking things off your personal to-do list. If it’s absolutely necessary, allow yourself to log back on when you get home to answer a few emails and tie up any other loose ends.

Forcing yourself to disconnect can be terrifying at first, but your perspective can completely shift when you realize that when you logged off, the office didn’t go up in flames—in fact, everything carried on as usual. (Shocking, right?) It was a huge reality check: you’ll find that you’re projecting a lot of unnecessary stress on yourself. And now that you get that time for self-care every day, you’ll begin to feel so much more relaxed and productive.

Invest some time in getting organized.

If your inbox is bursting at the seams and your mental to-do list is a cluttered mess, sitting down and going through it all piece by piece makes a huge difference. In terms of your email, if you don’t like to have more than few messages in your immediate inbox at once, archive everything else that doesn’t need to be addressed within the next few upcoming days.

As for a mental checklist, putting pen to paper and crossing items off once they’re complete can make all the difference in your productivity. (There’s something about physically sliding a highlighter over a task you just finished that feels incredible.) Doing both of these things organizes every task/thought/concern of yours that was previously hanging out in cyberspace or in your own headspace.

If You Get Anxious About Flying

Skip the coffee and have a mantra ready.

Flight anxiety—not to the point that you wouldn’t get on an airplane, but to the point that you get anxiety attacks before or on flights and dread having to get on the plane. First, try taking melatonin the night(s) before a flight. Otherwise, you can easily stay up for hours replaying all the things that could go wrong on the flight.

Next, avoid coffee on travel days. As a coffee lover, this can be difficult, but you will feel that you’re calmer if you don’t drink it on a flight or on the morning of a flight. Staying calm is worth any potential caffeine headaches. Thirdly, find a mantra to repeat if there is turbulence or you’ll start feeling uncomfortable on the plane. Lastly, if the flight starts getting bumpy or you feel anxious for whatever reason, place both feet on the ground, your hands on your knees, and close your eyes, and in your head, repeat, ‘You are safe. This is temporary. This is normal.’ It really, really helps.

If You Have Anxiety-Induced Insomnia

Try a breathing exercise.

If you’re in the midst of a super-busy patch in your life, sometimes when you lay down to go to sleep, your heart starts beating out of your chest so hard you feel like it might explode right out of there. (Dramatic, I know.) During these moments, try this breathing technique: Inhale for eight, hold for eight, and exhale for eight. This slows your breathing down to mimic the breathing pattern of sleep, and within a few minutes, it calms you right down.

Set the scene.

Imagine this and get ready for your own little serenity. ‘Set the tone’ for bed by using a diffuser with essential oils, and journaling is a great way to really calm your mind.

Think pink.

When your anxiety causes insomnia,  perhaps try a pink Himalayan salt lamp to put in your bedroom, and people swear their sleep has improved tremendously. Another thing you can try is taking pink Himalayan salt baths three times a week around two hours before bedtime.

If You Feel a Panic Attack Coming

“Feel” your breathing.

If you’re feeling panic-y, wash your hands or face with cold water or put a cold compress on the back of your neck. Or put a hand on your chest to ‘feel’ your breathing, which can help ward off an attack for some.

Walk away.

When you feel your anxiety start to spike, try to step away from what you’re doing and take a few deep breaths, and think about everything in the room—it helps you be as present in the moment as possible. It definitely helps change the track your mind is on, which can usually help ward off an attack.

If You Wake up Feeling Overwhelmed

Schedule a workout.

Anxiety attacks for many have gotten pretty bad over the last year and a half, but starting something like yoga has been more manageable since consistency about (any!) exercise is a terrific way to stay centered and calm.

Start the day with a guided meditation.

A lot of us put way too much stress on ourselves to be better, do more, work faster, etc., and often wind up a big crazed anxious mess. You can try guided meditations in the morning, and you’ll find that even later in the day, reminding yourself how that calmness felt and how it made you ‘let go’ for a few minutes really helps. So stop and take a second to breathe and tell yourself that right then and there, “I’m okay, my family is okay, and I conquered the day before, so I can definitely take on today!” 

The Spa is Waiting.

Anxiety attacks and stress, in general, are pretty much chronic in this COVID era. For times when the above options just can’t cut it, head down to your local day spa. Massages, facials, and even a mani-pedi can help relieve your anxiety and allow you an hour or two of tranquility. The escape and quiet of a day spa can truly transform your wellness. Call Botanica Day Spa today at 727-441-1711 to book your appointment!

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