Why Winter is the Best Time to Start Waxing
Waxing can yield great benefits, such as smoother skin and thinner and lighter hair on your legs. However, it can also demand a bit of patience as hair must be about one quarter inch long in order for the wax to grab hold of it properly, which can take a week-and-a-half to two weeks to achieve. On the other hand, hair that is too long can cause waxing to be unnecessarily uncomfortable or even painful.
The Benefits of Winter Waxing
It can seem appalling to even consider letting your leg hair grow out this long, but during the winter time when it is absolutely appropriate to wear leggings and pants everywhere no one will know. Fortunately, you will only have to bear this once–the first time you want to get your legs waxed. After this initial waxing, your leg hair will grow out soft, thinner and lighter, which will make it easier to allow it to grow out for future waxings.
Prior to waxing your legs you need to prepare them. A careful examination of your legs to ensure there are no areas of inflammation or broken skin is important, as waxing can exacerbate these problems. Then, perform a gentle exfoliation to help remove any excess, dead skin. Dry brushing in the shower, prior to turning the water on, can be highly effective in removing dead skin, as can an in-shower scrub. Properly exfoliated skin will easily release all the hair that is waxed, whereas skin that has not been fully and properly exfoliated may not have the same thorough results, and you may have hair growth within just two weeks. You should also exfoliate every day for at least ten days after getting your legs waxed in order to keep your skin really fresh and clean. Finally, make sure you moisturize well after having your legs waxed. Look for a hydrating moisturizing cream or lotion that is not oily but will help to keep your skin supple.
It can be difficult to be patient enough to let the many benefits of waxing take hold, but if you truly want to have nice, smooth legs and very fine, slow-growing leg hair, you have to completely abstain from all shaving. Shaving even once can set you back to the beginning of the waxing process, whereas sticking with exclusive waxing can ensure that you are absolutely ready to show off your gorgeous legs come spring.
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