The Relationship Benefits of a Couples Massage
It may seem that trips to the spa for a massage are really a woman’s “thing”, but if you stop for a moment and think about it, you may begin to wonder why that is. Don’t men also deserve to enjoy the relaxing and rejuvenating benefits of a massage? While few men may actually follow through and go to a spa for a massage, the fact is that the same wonderful benefits a woman receives also apply to a man. Furthermore, one should consider the additional relationship benefits available through a couples massage.
About a Couples Massage
It is not unusual for couples to sometimes discuss topics in such a way that it seems a bit like bickering back and forth–and worse, they may not even recognize it when they do this. However, a spa environment is one that makes bickering seem forbidden–or perhaps more importantly, entirely unnecessary and undesirable–especially with the giddy anticipation that often occurs when one is waiting for a massage. Couples who experience such a distraction-free, calming environment can reconnect even before receiving their massages.
Not only are massages relaxing and rejuvenating, but a couples massage can help partners to reconnect. It can sometimes be difficult to find time to be alone together–without stressing over the day’s events. However, a couples massage essentially eliminates the ability for an individual to stress, which allows couples to be together in the moment and reconnect with one another–even if they remain entirely silent throughout the session.
Massages can relax all the muscles in your body, which can help to relax your mind. It can also stimulate the body to release oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine, the feel-good hormones that often lead to a desire for intimacy and affection. This means that during and after their massage, a couple can quite literally feel much more affectionate toward one another. Obviously, this is highly beneficial–regardless of the overall health of their relationship.
Obviously, it is important for both of the individuals in the couple to be open to the idea of a couples massage. If one of them feels uncomfortable with the idea, and is honestly just going along to please their partner, the experience is unlikely to have the same beneficial results. However, if both partners are willing to try something new, they may just discover that a couples massage works well to deepen their bond with one another.
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