Tips for Staying Healthy When Your Schedule is at its Busiest
In today’s world, people are constantly taking on more than they can handle. “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” seems to be a common reply when someone points out that you’re working too much. While it’s always good to be passionate and motivated about work or the other things you love about life, keeping up with a demanding schedule can take the real fun out of life and can be harmful to your health in the long-run. Here are some tips to staying healthy and avoiding burnout when you’re at your busiest.
Sleep and More Sleep
Sleep goes beyond simply boosting your mood or banishing those pesky under-eye circles; adequate sleep is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Lack of sleep can lead to poor performance and inability to pay attention properly. It can boost your memory and sharpen attention to make sure you’re operating at your best.
Take a Phone Break
It seems that checking our phones has become the new way to “relax” in our downtime. Seeing a new email pop up can send your mind back into work mode. Make sure you take an actual break from your work obligations. Put down the phone and talk to your family, read a book, or enjoy a nice long bath. Consider setting a rule that you don’t check social media or email after 6:00 pm. Your mental health will thank you!
Eat Healthier
When you’re constantly on the go, it can be difficult to make smart decisions when it comes to food. Grabbing fast food or zapping frozen, processed food in the microwave can make you feel sluggish and bogged down. Up your intake of fruits and vegetables to help curb those sugar cravings. You’ll be nourishing your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to ward off illnesses.
Practice Mindfulness
From the outside, we can appear to be calm, cool, and collected even during the most challenging times. In reality, we could be trying to fight off bad attitudes, stress, and the urge to curl up into a ball and hide in our beds. Practicing mindfulness can prevent you from feeling overwhelmed by every little thought that passes through your brain. Focus on the aspects of life that you can control.
Never be too busy to take care of yourself or to be grateful for the life that you lead.
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