Botanica Day Spa

Day SpaThe 5 Best Days of the Year to Go to the Spa
The 5 Best Days of the Year to Go to the Spa

The 5 Best Days of the Year to Go to the Spa

There are plenty of wonderful occasions to take a trip to the spa–whether it’s your birthday, a girl’s day out, after a big accomplishment, Valentine’s Day or any other time when you feel you deserve some pampering. A trip to the spa can help enormously in taking care of your physical and mental health, so you should go as often as possible. This means that in addition to the obvious occasions, you should also consider five days of the year when a trip to the spa is best.

Best Days to Go to the Spa

  1. April 16th. Whether you are responsible for calculating your own taxes or you hire someone to help you, there is no arguing that tax season can be difficult and stressful. Taking the time to visit the spa the day after tax season has closed can be a wonderful way to reward yourself and eliminate any stress you may be feeling.
  2. For his birthday. It’s true that women are more frequent spa-goers than men, but this does not mean that men cannot enjoy the spa experience–especially if they go with their significant other. A couple’s massage can be a wonderful way to relax at the spa while also reconnecting with your loved one.
  3. September 13th. While the origin of Positive Thinking Day is unknown, it nonetheless provides one with an opportunity to focus on their mental health by thinking positive thoughts. Obviously, relaxing at the spa allows one to disconnect from stressful thinking so that positive thinking is much simpler.
  4. World Smile Day. Acknowledged on the first Friday in October since 1999, World Smile Day is focused on encouraging individuals to perform an act of kindness that will bring a smile to another’s face. There is certainly nothing wrong with treating yourself to a day at the spa so that you can put a smile on your own face.
  5. The day you need to escape from the unbearable weather. Whether you live in Florida with its intensely hot and humid summers or you live in Chicago with its incredibly cold and windy winters, it is not unusual to hit a point where you just find the current weather to be intolerable for another moment. This is the perfect time to take a trip to the spa, and not only escape the unbearable weather but receive some much-needed pampering to help you relax.



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