How to Prevent Stress Wrinkles (Especially During a Pandemic)
Over the years I’ve come to terms with the fact that wrinkles are inevitable. True, I can slather my face with a lineup of anti-aging lotions and potions, holding onto the hope they’ll help—but truth be told, it’s not a matter of if my skin will form wrinkles, it’s a matter of when. What happens, though, when wrinkles sprout because of stress? Stress, too, is mostly unavoidable. But there are some things you can do to help. To get some answers, let’s find out what stress wrinkles really are and how to prevent them!
What Are Stress Wrinkles?
It makes sense, really. When we’re stressed, we don’t get adequate sleep, we don’t exercise as often as we should, and our diet can suffer. All of those factors can contribute to negative effects in not just in our health, but on our skin. Stress wrinkles are thought to occur as a result of chronic stress—typically psychological stress—and environmental stressors (toxins, pollutants, sun exposure. The facial region is typically where they are more common. Stress wrinkles are more prone to pop up in the forehead area and in between the eyebrows (also known as “worry-lines”).
Why Do We Get Stress Wrinkles?
Stress can stem from work, relationships, finances, and even the physical environment. But, what’s the actual science behind it all? The short answer can be summed up into one word: telomeres. Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes—think of it like the plastic covering at the end of a shoelace. When the telomeres shorten in length to a certain point, they can no longer replicate, and this will lead to the signs of aging. Individuals who suffer from mental disorders, depression, anxiety, or trauma may have shorter telomeres compared with individuals who don’t.
Studies have been done linking shorter telomeres to chronic and psychological stress—thus making an individual more prone to wrinkles.
Stress-Related Wrinkles vs. Age-Related Wrinkles
Wrinkles caused by aging occur due to the decrease in collagen and elastin. In our twenties we begin to produce less collagen and although we can’t stop aging completely, we can help slow it down by making lifestyle adjustments (i.e. wearing SPF and adhering to a healthy skin regimen). Stress wrinkles, though, form due to the shortening of telomeres in people experiencing long-term psychological stress. If you are in your thirties or older and under chronic psychological stress, you may see the appearance of both age-related and stress related wrinkles more, versus wrinkles just from aging alone.
How to Prevent Stress Wrinkles
Avoiding stress is easier said than done. Here are some expert tips for easing up the process:
Create a routine: Implement a stress-relief routine in your daily life—this could mean exercising, meditating, or journaling.
Stay hydrated: When you are under chronic stress, it’s easy to forget to stay hydrated, and this can compound the problem. Moisturize the skin externally and internally by drinking enough water.
Modify your lifestyle: It’s important that you’re living a healthy lifestyle overall—eating a well-rounded diet, limiting alcohol intake, avoiding smoking, and implementing breathing techniques often.
Sleep well: While this may seem like a given, aim for eight hours of sleep, as this is an important time when the body repairs damage to the skin.
Wear SPF: we cannot stress the importance of wearing sunscreen. Use a sunscreen daily that has an SPF of at least 30 (or products containing sunscreen) especially in the facial areas. And yes, even in the winter months!
Stimulate collagen: Treatments to stimulate collagen can help prevent as well as soften existing fine lines. These treatments include microneedling, chemical peels, and micro current facials.
Products for Stress Wrinkles
From vitamin C to retinol, there are a fair amount of ingredients used in skin care products that can help combat or soften stress-induced wrinkles, such as:
- Fruit enzymes for exofiliating, like pumpkin, papaya, and pineapple. They work together to gently dissolve and slough off dead skin cells that can otherwise make wrinkles look more pronounced.
- An essential antioxidant that brightens the complexion, vitamin C can also reduce damage caused by free radicals in the environment.
- Retinol is known to improve skin cell turnover and support the production of collagen.
- Applying sunscreen daily.
- Having a strengthened skin barrier ensures skin can hold onto moisture. Face oils improve the skin structure, provides hydration, and reduces the look of age spots.
Until we are back open, keep checking Botanica Day Spa’s blogs for more articles about how to take care of your skin from home!
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