The Morning Rituals to Adapt for Helping with Anxiety
If you’re someone who suffers from bouts of anxiety, mornings can be a huge source of solace (or sometimes stress). When you wake up with a jolt, have work to finish, your clothes are everywhere, and you’re already running late—your anxiety is all but debilitating. However, when you give yourself time in the morning to unwind, stretch, shower, and slowly run through your thoughts, it all seems doable.
Still, we’re only human, and sometimes we need a little bit of help. For that reason, trying new routines can be the stress reliever for your anxiety that you need. Below, seven different additions to your morning routines and the rituals they create to soothe your anxiety await.
1. Set an intention
The most important part of a morning routine is setting an intention for the day, which is just a simple motivational quote to stay on track. You can receive a text from Shine every morning—it offers a daily quote. So, if you don’t have your own, there’s always one ready for you. Throughout the day, you can try to remember whatever quote you chose, reference it on your phone, or view it in your work journal. It helps to combat negative thoughts.
Washing your face is the second most important. Some people find washing their face to be extremely therapeutic, as it’s their moment of peace. Making it go right to do this alone with music in the background is very important. If your face is glowing all day, and not from excess oil, that can be a semblance of happiness for someone.
2. Wake up earlier
Managing anxiety can be by waking up early almost every single day (mostly weekdays). A lot of people need their sleep, but if you’re already a morning person, it can be when you’re most productive. You can go to the gym, catch up on news, or get up and clean your room/apartment/house. It’s so calming to walk away from home knowing everything is organized.
Once you’re up, people have found themselves doing everything else in a productive way: their entire beauty routine, taking all their vitamins, drinking water, making tea, and then most importantly, going to the office, and getting their work done. Even co-workers can tell because you’re in a better mood the rest of the day, and you can be more willing to take on challenges.
3. Allow for some quiet time
Quiet time in the morning is really important for some. It gives them the opportunity to reflect, breathe, and set intentions for the day. Try lighting some incense, make tea, and write down your dreams. Depending on the day, you can decide to light some palo santo instead of incense or meditate. You might find that this helps to start the day with a clear head and a positive, calm energy that hopefully carries on into the rest of your day.
4. Eat a breakfast that fuels you
I know it sounds simple, but starting your day with food that fuels you can help you to feel less stressed about your food choices later in the day. Have a cup of earl grey tea, and write down your to-do list. You can organize your day according to what you need to get done, including time for meditation and working out. Making yourself a priority helps you feel more in control.
Having a breakfast you love and taking time to sit and enjoy it (especially with friends or family if you don’t live alone) is a great way to start off on the right foot. Try not to have anything that will spike your blood sugar and put you on a craving roller coaster for the rest of the day.
5. Listen to music (instead of the news)
A morning routine is so important for managing anxiety. Try waking up to natural sunlight well before you need to leave the house. Listen to upbeat music and don’t turn on the news first thing.
6. Put your phone on Airplane Mode
Getting up early is key and some start their day out with warm water and lemon juice—to help wake up, but also to start up your metabolism right off the bat. Then, try putting your phone on airplane mode until you leave the house. Phones can be a huge distraction and cause more anxiety.
7. Make time for the spa
It may sound indulgent, but when we’re talking about self care, it’s okay to say that word. Taking care of yourself with either a massage to relieve aches or sore muscles, freshen your face up with a glowing facial, or just for a mani-pedi in a much more tranquil setting than a nail salon can work wonders on helping with anxiety.
Any of these are worth trying to see if they help you. For peaceful and rejuvenating spa services, call Botanica Day Spa at 727-441-1711 to book your appointment.
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