Couples Massage: Why You Should Plan One With Your BFF
It is understandable that some individuals may view a trip to the spa as an indulgent experience they should only participate in once every so often, but the truth is that there is quite a lot of benefits that can come from receiving spa services. A personal massage, for example, can be a wonderful, relaxing, and beneficial experience. It can help to relieve sore muscles, reduce anxiety and stress and even eliminate toxins from the body, which makes them far more than just the wonderfully pampering treatments we often view them as. But as wonderful as massages can be on their own, they can be made even more amazing when you share a couples massage with a BFF.
Couples Massage for Friends
Do you ever feel like you are struggling to find a way to spend more time with your BFF? Or maybe you have figured out how to carve out a little more time with your BFF, but you are not sure what you want to do with it. Dinner can be nice, but repetitive, movies do not allow you a chance to talk, and the weather may put a damper on other plans. If you are looking for a great way to spend quality time with your BFF, you should consider planning a couples massage together. What is a couples massage? Very simply put, it is when two individuals receive massages at the same time, in the same room, from two different therapists. In addition to the many wonderful benefits that are provided by massage therapy, a couples massage provides you with:
- The opportunity to bond while relaxing. The shared experience of a relaxing massage can be a wonderful bonding opportunity. Whether you decide to enjoy your massages in comfortable silence or take the time to chat with one another, you can find that a couples massage is a great way to become even closer with your BFF.
- The opportunity to feel more comfortable during your massage. Some individuals feel uncomfortable or even nervous about receiving a personal massage on their own, especially if it is their first time. It can sometimes be intimidating to undress and try and relax in a dark room with a complete stranger, which can detract from the overall massage experience. However, with a close, trusted and well-known individual in the room to share the relaxing experience with, one is often better able to relax and feel comfortable.
- The opportunity to spend time together. One of the biggest complaints both you and your BFF may have is that you simply do not have enough opportunities to spend quality time together. With busy work and home schedules, it can be incredibly difficult to find the time to come together and enjoy each other’s company. A couple’s massage provides a perfect opportunity to spend time together, while also accomplishing the goal of receiving the benefits of a therapeutic massage.
- The opportunity to have your personal needs addressed. Even while you are sharing a room and experience with your BFF, you can each have your own personal needs addressed with your individual massages. This means that while your BFF may prefer to have the tension in their neck and back addressed with a more vigorous massage, you may prefer to have the tightness in your legs and feet addressed with a more gentle massage–and you can each have this.
Due to the fact that massages are an excellent way to reduce stress, relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, eliminate soreness, boost the immune system, handle pain, and better control blood pressure, it is easy to see that this treatment is far more than just a way to pamper yourself. By sharing the benefits of massage with your BFF, you can increase the benefits even more.
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