How to Pull Off This Fall’s Hottest Beauty Trend: Dark Lips
We are now smack dab in the middle of fall. Maybe you’ll tried the latest fall fashion trends by adding new booties, flannels, and denim to your wardrobe, but many peop
What Causes Hyperpigmentation and How to Treat it
For a long time, wrinkles used to be the number one skin concern of women everywhere. But recently, dark spots have become the “new wrinkle”. Freckles, sun
6 Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Next Massage
October is here and that means the busy holiday season is right around the corner. Right now, we are so busy chauffeuring the kids around to school activities and taking care
Beauty Tips for Your Next Job Interview
With the state of today’s job market, it can be difficult to find the kind of job opportunity that we want, let alone even land an interview. Once you’re finally
5 Things You Didn’t Know About Nail Polish
Nail polish is a staple in every girl’s beauty stash. From our standard colors that can go with any outfit, to those vibrant shades that can really make a statement, na
Skincare Routine for Brides-to-be
Every bride should be glowing and radiant on her wedding day. She shouldn’t have to worry that her skin might be dull-looking or that she could have a break out the day
4 Ways to Help You Relax During the Day
Your boss is calling your cellphone after you left the office, you can smell dinner burning in the oven, and your toddler just found the hidden pile of permanent markers. The
Guide to Your Skin’s Aging Process
Aging is something that many of us don’t like thinking about; no one wants to picture how their radiant, porcelain complexion will one day be the canvas for wrinkles, dark sp
Jessica’s #MyBotanicaStory
I’ve been in the spa industry for nearly 11 years and worked with hundreds of spas. I first got to know Gen and the rest of the incredible team back in 2010 when I beca
4 Healthy Benefits of the Sun
Lately, the sun seems to be getting a bad rap. We live in a society that has created paranoia about the dangers of the sun. While too much sun exposure can lead to prem