3 Steps to Determining Your Skin Type
As we are all well aware, there is an abundance of skincare products available on the market today. From natural to organic products, quick fixes to even supposed “mira
How Summer Affects Premature Aging and Acne
The summer season presents us with the perfect dichotomy. On the one hand, we love spending time outdoors in the fresh air and warm sun, but on the other hand, we hate what t
The Importance of Elastin: Skin’s “Youth” Protein
Considering that many women wish to ensure that their skin receives the appropriate nutrients and care it needs in order to age beautifully, it is important to understand one of th
5 Essential Facts About Sunscreen
According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about fourteen percent of men and thirty percent of women in America admit to using sunscreen on a regu
Sugar and Aging: How to Fight the Effects of Glycation
Most women consider that the primary benefit achieved through avoiding excessive sugar consumption has to do with maintaining a more desirable figure and weight. While it is
Dark Circles: What’s Causing Them and What You Can Do About It
Fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, blemishes and dark circles under our eyes are all undesirable skin conditions that we often willingly spend many hours trying to resolve. Dar
How Menopause Affects Your Skin
Menopause is often viewed as one of the least desirable facts of womanhood, and not only because it indicates that a woman is growing older. The symptoms of menopause can be
4 Habits That Could Be Giving You Wrinkles
It is not terribly surprising that women desire to spend so much time on enhancing and protecting their personal beauty. Not only can great beauty help a woman to feel confid
Is a Microdermabrasion Treatment Right For You?
If women had a dollar for every moment we spend worrying about and caring for our skin, we would be a very wealthy group indeed. Actually, considering that our skin is our la
Guide to Applying Retinoids
As women, we are naturally very interested in doing whatever we can to enhance our skin’s health and beauty. This means not only ridding it of imperfections but also pr