The 7 Benefits of Taking Hot Baths Regularly
Were you like us when we first heard the idea of taking a nightly bath from Gwyneth Paltrow admitting that the practice is non-negotiable in her self-care routine. Self care is so important that this concept of a regular hot bath seems almost too simple to work, right? From receiving regular facials to reading a book before bed instead of being on our phone to incorporating exercise and other wellness tips to our lives, maybe a hot bath is something to really consider!
With the temperatures getting colder, nothing seems better than warming up with a soak in the tub and the benefits of hot baths—from encouraging weight loss to boosting immunity to balancing your hormones—there’s actually a lot more to this notion than you might think. Below, read all about what happens when you incorporate hot baths regularly into your self care routine:
1. It helps create a time-slowing ritual.
Drawing a bath and luxuriating in it seems, on paper, like a huge time suck. But in reality, there are so many less worthwhile ways to kill time after the workday—the dreaded social media scroll or browsing sites for things I don’t need. Filling the tub with water while turning on a relaxing playlist, lighting a candle, and prepping some bath oils, immediately gets your brain out of work mode and saves your eyes from unnecessary screen time. Before even enjoying the bath itself, the act of preparing it was somewhat meditative.
Furthermore, once the water was running, you simply have to keep my eye on it while having time to do something productive like tidy up the bathroom drawers or apply a face mask! Bonus self-care right there!
2. It soothes sore muscles and joints.
Even after the very first bath, you can feel the relaxing benefits take effect. If your body has been extra sore lately, your muscles will feel soothed in a way they hadn’t with just foam rolling or massage. Knee problems create a tendency to become achy after sitting, even for short periods, and you can feel the creaks and stiffness lessen as taking hot baths regularly becomes part of your routine!
3. It quiets the mind.
The mind, too, will feel at ease, as if all of your racing thoughts were finally given permission to slow down. You can just focus on your senses. You may even find that baths are actually able to pull you away from mental distractions. While using bath times to brainstorm ideas works too, the mood during these thoughts won’t be stressed or worried. You can now plan at ease, unbothered by the pressure of time or the black hole of your computer or phone. Studies have found that immersion bathing (meaning baths) improves both physical and emotional aspects of quality of life, with significant improvement in general and mental health and lower scores for stress, tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and depression-dejection!
4. It relieves cold symptoms and makes breathing easier.
Between allergies and bouts of the cold, you might feel like you’re always at least somewhat congested this time of the year. A hot bath, aided by essential oils, is a wonderful way to open up your nasal passageways, taking in deep breaths that simultaneously induced relaxation. Studies have indicated that an elevated body temperature helps certain types of immune cells to work better. I’ve read that warm baths also improve the immune system, which I would consider to be one of the greatest benefits!
5. It improves skin.
Initially, maybe the wariness that these nightly hot baths will end up drying out your skin, especially in winter months does cause for a pause. But adding Epsom salt or oils—sometimes a combo—and always applying lotion immediately after exiting the tub, your skin won’t be any worse off than after nightly showers. It may actually become more moisturized with fewer dry patches with these additions! If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to turn the temperature down (lukewarm is advised) and follow the “Soak and Seal” method as suggested by the National Eczema Association, towel-drying lightly and leaving the skin slightly damp and then liberally applying moisturizer within three minutes.
6. It signals that it’s time to sleep.
By night three, you’ll find yourself relaxing to the point of dozing. In just a handful of sessions, your body will be very into the idea of bath time equating to bedtime. If you love having a set routine, it will become something to look forward to. By night four, try brushing your teeth and doing your skin care routine while the bathtub fills up, so at the end of the bath, you can just lather up in lotion, put on pajamas, and get into bed.
7. It helps you sleep.
Beyond just getting your body and mind to unwind for a shut-eye session, nightly baths greatly improve sleep quality, starting the very first night! Climbing into bed after a hot bath, your body feels completely relaxed and sleepiness will creep in much sooner. The minor aches and pains, if you suffer any, will be completely soothed. Studies have shown that a nightly hot bath (and even a hot foot bath if you’re unable to take a full bath) facilitates earlier sleep onset.
People with restless legs, the hot baths help ease the tension even more with the added aid of a weighted blanket. Instead of waking up with a sore neck or tight joints, you can feel like your younger, more agile self when getting out of bed in the morning (note to self to stretch more)!
Overall, the benefits from nightly hot baths are well worth trying to incorporate this into your bathroom routine. And with a regular trip to Botanica Day Spa, you can say that your self-care and health will be greatly improved when you pamper your skin with the right steps! Call Botanica today at 727-441-1711 to book your favorite spa service!
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