Botanica Day Spa

Eyelashes5 Fun Ways to Vamp Up Your Lashes!

5 Fun Ways to Vamp Up Your Lashes!

Lashes are something that identifies a woman as feminine, as it allows the eyes to look more open and show off the eyes as a mark of natural beauty. The beauty industry has certainly played up eyelashes as a main makeup feature that no girl can be without. The longer, thicker and fuller the lash, the more beautiful and young a woman can appear, especially as this lash trend is coveted by nearly every woman. For that reason, it’s important to many of us to enhance our eye and lash area, which we have no qualms about and only encourage here at Botanica!

If you’ve wondered what you can do to amplify your lashes and have more fun creating bolder, more fabulous looks with there, there are some different methods to try:

1. Mascara

It’s believed that 75% of woman wear mascara. There isn’t much out there we don’t already know about mascara – replace it regularly, wash it off every night and don’t share your mascara. Other than that, it’s a personal preference as to what you like about your mascara. Do you like them thickened, lengthened, or individuated? Brown, black, blue…your choices and brands are many, so have fun with it!

2. Lash Tinting 

It’s always surprising at how many people have never heard of this! Lash tinting is a very easy, fast, inexpensive and low maintenance way to enhance your lashes. Simply, a vegetable-based dye is applied to your lashes for up to 10 minutes, then removed and voila your lashes are jet black! It doesn’t wash off at all, but as the natural cycle of lash shedding continues and new growth emerges, you’ll want to update your tint about every 6 weeks or so.

3. Lash Perming 

A little curling rod is put near the base of the lashes and a solution-like glue is then applied up over the rod, putting a semi-permanent curl in your lash. It’s an easier and less expensive alternative to lash extensions!

4. Lash Extensions 

There are a few different versions so here’s the scoop on the variety available:

  1. Falsies are those strips of lashes you see at the drug store and last for one night out, maybe two if you remove them carefully. They are fast and easy to put on. What’s important to remember is that you actually cut them to fit your eye. This is the difference between looking fake and revealing your secret to beautifully sculpted lashes that look real!
  2. Flares are the little clusters of lashes applied above the base of the lash. They come in a variety of sizes so that you can customize them by putting long ones on the ends of the lash and tapering them to a small size on the inside corner or you can just put a few on the ends. You can have these applied at a salon or spa or you can do it yourself.
  3. Individual Lashes are what people refer to as semi-permanent lashes and is only done by professionals. An individual lash is separated, and an extension lash is glued on. The process takes up to 2 hours and fills are required to maintain the look. Fills are basically done to replace the lashes that shed. The end result is long, full beautiful lashes that you have day and night!

5. Lash Stimulators

Latisse, Revitalash, Rapid Lash, to name a top few, are a type of product out there that help grow your lashes by applying a serum to the base of your lashes. While all of them differ to what’s inside, the main ingredient they have in common is what stimulates lash growth. Revitalash has proteins and prostaglandin (a stimulant) that helps the lash in the beginning/birth stage of lash growth (don’t worry, it’s a regulated stimulant and has no side effects). Others have been shown to have side effects, like Latisse, as it has an unregulated stimulant that can darken the skin and eye. We recommend Revitalash products to help grow both eyelashes and eyebrows! (Tip: we sell them in our Botanica spa boutique!)

Botanica Day Spa Lash Enhancements

With these fresh new ideas of ramping up the play you can have with your eyelashes, now is the perfect time to book a lash appointment with Botanica! If you have any questions about what’s best for your type of lashes, feel free to call us at 727-441-1711. We would love to help you choose the right way to have those dreamy lashes you see on your favorite Instagram accounts! Our aestheticians excel in lash enhancements and the lash lift is super trendy right now.

Try it once and you’ll be hooked!



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