4 Ways Fatigue is Dulling Your Complexion
Every woman dreams of clear, youthful, radiant skin and many are willing to do just about anything to achieve it. Many women turn to a host of creams and other treatments in order to achieve the skin they desire, when actually their body’s ability to be fully rested can have more to do with their complexion than they know.
How Fatigue Dulls Complexion
Fatigue that is caused by stress, depression, overworking and sickness can take away the brightness of one’s complexion, causing it to take on an old, dull appearance. And while a proper diet, exercise and skincare regimen can assist, until one resolves their fatigue they may continue to suffer from a less-than-ideal complexion. Following are four health conditions that can cause fatigue and dull your complexion:
1. Anemia. The low blood count that occurs in anemia can cause fatigue and tired, old and dull-looking skin. Fortunately, there are foods one can eat in order to combat anemia and restore a healthier complexion. Iron rich foods, like liver, leafy vegetables and other types of proteins are particularly helpful.
2. Diabetes. Normally, individuals who suffer from diabetes also suffer from poor appetite, fatigue and anxiety. When a diabetic individual fails to eat a proper diet and continues to take their medication, they tend to take on a fatigued complexion. Fresh fruits and vegetables can help a diabetic manage their condition, and can also brighten their dull skin.
3. Overworking. It can be quite thrilling when one truly enjoys their job, but this does not mean that it’s healthy for them to work all the time. It is important to one’s health that they take the time to rest in between their working hours, and not overwork. Not only can overworking produce less-than-stellar results, it can produce a fatigued body and dull, wrinkled and tired skin.
4. Anxiety. Anxiety and fatigue often go hand-in-hand, one leading to the other. It is important not to work when you feel tired, as this can make you anxious, which can further deepen your fatigue. This can lead to the formation of dull skin. It can be highly beneficial to take a relaxing bath before bed to help the body relax and unwind. Washing your face and apply moisturizer before bed can also help.
Taking good care of your mental and physical health can help one achieve and maintain the bright, radiant complexion they desire.
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