Botanica Day Spa

Facial3 Main Causes for Your Face Showing Stress

3 Main Causes for Your Face Showing Stress

Stress. A word we never like to hear and try to boycott. Yet, we all have to deal with it and work through it the best that we can. Whether it’s a high-stress job, or the occasional overwhelming responsibilities we have of raising and supporting a family, stress can take a toll on our mental and physical health.  Everyone knows stress is bad for you, but did you know that it can also cause your face to age faster?

The Causes Behind Stress Aging our Skin

Your jaw may have dropped reading that stress can age the skin on our face faster. Yep, this is a horror we never like to share! However, knowing the causes behind why stress ages our skin can actually help us reverse or stop these effects from occurring. The more you know, the more you can overcome!

Now, factors like normal aging and the environment are already wreaking havoc on your skin, therefore it’s vital we don’t let stress join in! Here are some easy ways to help combat the effects of stress and fatigue on your face:

  1. Lack of Sleep

During our most stressful times, we often find ourselves facing many sleepless nights, which robs us of the restorative sleep that is essential for our overall health. Poor sleep can cause dark under-eye circles that take layers of concealer and cups of coffee to hide. You may turn to your trusty mascara or a quick eye mask to help you look more awake, but opt for a beige liner instead to help counter any eye redness and brighten them instead! Don’t worry, you can still use your favorite black eyeliner on your top lashes, but for the bottom lid, avoid using darker colors to draw more attention to your tired eyes.

2. Lack of Hydration

When we’re stressed and dealing with a lack of sleep, we can make poor nutrition choices (hello midnight McDonald’s run or a slice of cake). To help make it through another busy day, we rely on our favorite caffeinated drinks. Those vente lattes or cans of soda can be dehydrating to our skin, making it appear dry and flaky. Skip the caffeine and gulp down water instead – I know that’s easier said than done, but you will actually feel more awake because of it! Or you can switch to green tea for a healthy boost of antioxidants and a better form of caffeine than coffee or soda.

3. Stress Acne

Stress causes our bodies to release cortisol, which throws off other hormones in your body, leading to breakouts on our faces or other parts of our body. Stress can also disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria in our guts, which can lead to acne problems too. Calm your anxiety using deep breathing techniques or following one of those nifty calm apps for 10 minutes a day. To cover zits in a pinch, try using an illuminating concealer that comes in a tube. This will allow only fresh product to touch the affected area.

Head to the Spa for Your Skin’s Salvation

Of course, the best at-home treatment for combatting the harshest effects of a busy lifestyle is to use a good anti-aging night cream. Find a night cream that has both anti-aging benefits as well as anti-fatigue properties that reduce puffiness, hydrate the skin, and nourish it with plenty of peptides and botanicals! Although, your best bet for a thorough solution to fighting the signs of stress on your face is to receive regular facials! Remember, it’s easier to correct the signs of premature aging and fatigue than it is to cover them up every day. Investing in a monthly facial will definitely put you on the right track for maintaining happy, glowing skin and banishing those pesky wrinkles and aging factors for years down the road!



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