Botanica Day Spa

Spa Health Tips3 Healthy Ways to Handle Stress
handling stress

3 Healthy Ways to Handle Stress

Stress: everyone has to endure it occasionally, whether it’s a demanding boss or overexerting yourself by juggling too many obligations. However, it’s how you choose to handle it that can impact almost every aspect of your life. Sometimes, a small amount of stress can be beneficial by providing the motivation and boost people need to meet a work deadline or excel during an exam. But consistently dealing with an overwhelming amount of stress can have harmful consequences, both emotionally and physically. Unfortunately, you can’t simply wish away stress, but you can learn how to properly manage it in healthy ways. Here are some tips to reduce stress and help you stay healthy.

Identify Your Stressors

Stress is experienced and responded to differently by each person. While you may get stressed out about planning your child’s upcoming birthday party, another person may be fretting about how to pay off their outstanding credit card debt. It’s helpful to know exactly what types of situations can trigger your stress. A stressor is any situation that makes you feel differently than your usual state of mind and emotion. Once you know what is causing you stress, you are better equipped to avoid those situations or handle them in a more healthy manner.

Get Out of Your Head and into an Activity

Stress, much like anxiety, can really mess with your state of mind. It can cause you to have a never-ending loop of negative thoughts and what-ifs. The best way to break that cycle of harmful thinking is to engage in activities that occupy your hands or body. Many people seek shelter from stress and other mental blocks by going to the gym. If the gym isn’t your thing, try experimenting in the kitchen with a new recipe, sketch or paint, or even take up gardening. There are endless activities that will allow you to focus on the positive and not dwell on the negative.

Consult Your Support System

While society may view people who openly show their vulnerabilities and struggles, you should surround yourself with family and friends who are happy to listen to your difficulties. Remember, stress is all about perception. If you perceive something to be difficult or challenging, then you are setting yourself up to feel stressed. Talking with someone who does not have the same stressors as you can help put your stress into perspective and alleviate it.

Don’t forget, a day at the spa has never caused anybody stress, so take a break from the chaos and come get pampered at Botanica!



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