3 Easy Tips to Extend the Life of Your Lash Extensions
The biggest concern regarding lash extensions is how to avoid losing more of your natural lashes than normal. You can Google ways to make your lash extensions last longer and scroll through tips and tricks from various beauty sites, but it’s actually very simple to stretch out the timeframe of your lash extensions!
The Road to Long Lasting Lash Extensions
What many beauty goers don’t realize is that even with the help of aestheticians for the easier upkeep of your desired appearance with eyelash extensions, it’s still up to you to keep it lasting for the extended weeks before going for your fill-in appointment. I want to note that fill-ins, waxes, shaping, tinting, and any eyelash or brow treatments are all best done by a professional aesthetician at a spa so there are no mistakes that can take months to correct. Now, the time between your next appointment and when you leave the spa looking amazing and Instagram ready is all on you.
With lash extensions, in particular, there are steps you should be taking (and your aesthetician will surely have given you the low down on what to do before you left the spa room) to ensure they remain intact, including your natural lashes. The biggest question is always: how can I keep my eyelash extensions on longer? The first basic fact of eyelashes is this: you lose natural lashes every day, estimated from 1-4 lashes. Lash extensions have a bad reputation for “losing lashes faster” because of the weight of them and the adhesive used to apply them.
Yes, lash extensions do make your lashes feel heavier. Does the glue actually speed up the process of lashes dropping off? Not necessarily. The maintenance of lash extensions is the decisive factor on whether you have to call for a fill-in sooner rather than later. Just like with your face care and washing makeup off or having clean skin each night before bed, keeping your lashes healthy and cared for is vital for making them last longer. Plus, this is the most skipped step when it comes to eyelash extensions and the reason they fall out faster than normal!
When you get professional lash extensions, you should do these steps to ensure they stay on longer and help maintain the strength of your natural lashes at the same time:
- Avoid rubbing, tugging, or pulling on your lashes. This absolutely loosens and disrupts the structure of your extensions and the adhesive on them. If your eye itches or something ends up bothering it, use a Q-tip to help reduce the friction and pressure on your eyelashes. These are an easy addition to your desk drawer or handbag so it’s readily accessible for sudden eye irritations to avoid using your fingers!
- Wash your lashes with a gentle, oil-free cleanser. It’s totally okay to wash your eyes when you have lash extensions, the main tip is to try not to rub the cleanser on them too roughly. The reason it’s important to wash your eyelashes is that it helps keep particles, dust, makeup, and anything else that could adhere to your eyelash extensions off of them.
- Brush your lashes. Yes, you heard that right. Brushing your lashes keeps the follicles in their natural position as mascara, the natural motion of blinking, sleeping, and even wind can cross the hairs or tilt them in a different direction than their normal position. Brushing them allows the extensions to remain intact longer!
I can’t emphasize enough that choosing to have a less trained lash applicator do your eyelash extensions can have negative effects. In doing this, we make the error of going to a place or solo lash artist who is less expensive, but not as trained or professional as they should be. Having correctly applied and handled lash extensions is also one of the biggest causes of whether they remain longer or not. Going a cheaper route with lash extensions most often than not results in poor quality extensions that can irritate your eyes or require a sooner fill-in.
Paying the extra amount for a very professional and long-lasting service will end up saving you more money in the long run anyway! Keep up with these helpful tips and realize that you have a say in the maintenance of your lash extensions to keep them longer!
Botancia’s Lash Enhancements
At our spa, Botanica’s professional aestheticians love to beautify our clients with the best care, quality, and customization to their appointment! The eyelash extensions offered at Botanica Day Spa are done with longevity in mind so that you can stay looking fabulous and confident with your voluptuous lashes! Our two main lash enhancements are the Classic Eyelash Extensions, which leaves you with stunning lashes, and then there are our Volume Lash Extensions, which gives you Instagram-worthy lashes that will make anyone envious!
We even offer Bottom Lash Extensions for full, sexy lashes from top to bottom that are to die for!
Book your lash appointment with us today online or call us at 727-441-1711 and leave with the best eyelash extensions around while knowing extra tips to make them last longer!
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