Botanica Day Spa

MassageWhat’s Your Massage Personality? Take Our Quiz!
What Kind of Massage is Right for Me? Botanica Day Spa

What’s Your Massage Personality? Take Our Quiz!

Although massage therapy has become an increasingly popular tool for relaxation and overall wellness, there are still many who haven’t had the opportunity to experience the benefits of massage. Not surprisingly, an overwhelming number of our clients have said they feel confused about what kind of massage they should get when it comes time to book an appointment.

There are many different styles of massage. At Botanica we offer different techniques each designed to address issues ranging from tension and stress to muscle injury, headaches, fatigue and poor circulation.

When you come to us for a massage, our specialists will always talk with you about any areas of the body you wish to target or what you hope to gain from the appointment. Be open and lay it all on the table for the massage therapist. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. We can’t help you if we don’t know exactly what is going on.

Related: 10 Things Your Massage Therapist Wants You to Know

If you’re confused about what massage therapy technique is right for you or what kind of massage you should get, start by taking this quiz below. If you still feel unsure, we’ll be happy to chat with you and help you determine what kind of massage is right for you/your body.

Quiz: What Kind of Massage is Right for Me?

1. I get a massage when:

a. I’m in pain or because I have chronic issues to work out.
b. To help me feel better and be more flexible.
c. To deal with my stress.
d. However and whenever I can.

2. I like my massage…

a. To effectively address my knots and tension in my body. FIX. ME.
b. To focus on working out my knots with hints of relaxation.
c. To be light in pressure. Deep work makes me more tense.
d. Any way, any time. As long as I’m getting a massage, I’m happy.

3. After my massage, I want to feel ________:

a. Relieved of the pain and tension in my body (or at least on the road to recovery.) I don’t mind being a little sore.
b. Looser and less tense with an improved range of motion.
c. Totally relaxed.
d. All of the above.

4. I have trouble sleeping because:

a. I can’t get comfortable and can’t fall asleep.
b. I wake up in the middle of the night and have trouble getting back to sleep due to aches + pains.
c. I think too much and can’t relax.
d. None of the above.

5. When I wake up in the morning I feel…

a. Like I don’t want to get out of bed.
b. Fine at first but then the aches/pains set in.
c. I feel well rested.
d. I’m ready for the day.

Your Massage Personality Revealed

If You Chose Mostly As
You like deep work massage. You might want to try Cupping Massage as well as Fascia Blasting to effectively target some of those areas of chronic pain, tension or injury.

If You Chose Mostly Bs
You like a variety of massage techniques. Try the award-winning Botanica Custom Massage, which is fully customized to your needs. An appointment range of 85-115 minutes is recommended so the therapist can get to all areas.

If You Chose Mostly Cs
You like light touch massage. This technique is still effective in getting health benefits. Ask to book  Hot Stone Massage, Thai Massage or Reflexology. (Click here for more info on each of these styles of light touch massage.)

If You Chose Mostly Ds
Sounds like you love a wide variety of massages and benefit from a number of different massage therapy styles. Continue to try new things and explore what provides you the greatest relaxation and relief. (May we suggest: Tandem Massage or our Signature Massage)

Related: 8 Signs You Need a Massage

Book a Massage at Botanica Today!

Now that you know your massage personality, we challenge you to take this theory for a spin! Give us a call and book your next massage today. Natalie or Rayna will be happy to schedule you at a time that is convenient for you. Call 727-441-1711 today, or request an appointment online by clicking here.

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