What a Glycolic Acid Peel & Lactic Acid Peel Can Do For Your Face
Of all the beauty products women are most likely to spend lots of money on, skincare products are usually at the top of the list. In our eternal quest to maintain beautiful, radiant-looking skin on our face and body, we consider and use numerous products and treatments, especially ones advertised in magazines, social media, and online beauty sites. But do you know why Glycolic Acid Peels, Lactic Acid Peels, and Facials, in general, should definitely be a priority on that list?
The Lowdown on Glycolic Acid Peels, Lactic Cid Peels, and Facials
Jumping right into business here, these five reasons below are just the tip of the iceberg for receiving glowing, fabulous skin with effective professional facials! (For the full results of these peels and facials, a spa with certified aestheticians are recommended over buying a skin care product for an at-home peel, which you’ll understand why from the list below.)
1. When considering how to properly take care of your skin, take a moment to correlate this to how you take care of another important body part: your teeth. Hopefully, you wash your face twice a day, just as you brush your teeth twice a day. But what is your skin’s answer to your twice-yearly dental cleanings? It should be glycolic acid peels, lactic acid peels, and facials. These treatments can perform the deep cleaning that your skin needs on occasion and does not receive through daily washing–no matter how miraculous your skincare products are and how diligently you apply them. It’s best to consult with your aesthetician on the frequency you should have these types of peels and facials done.
2. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are wonderful exfoliants. They both contain Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) that help to remove dead skin cells and nourish skin to allow it to age better. The AHAs that are present in glycolic acid and lactic acid dissolves the sort of “glue” that tends to hold our skin cells together, which allows damaged skin cells to be removed. This leaves brighter, smoother and more even-toned skin behind! Not to mention, it helps to reduce dark spots and wrinkles, those aging faux pas that we all loathe!
3. The AHAs contained in glycolic acid and lactic acid are humectants, which means they attract water from the surrounding environment to your skin. This can help counter dry skin by keeping your skin hydrated and soft throughout the day. Hello plump, dewy skin!
4. Glycolic acid can help resolve sun-damaged skin. It is the smallest of the AHAs and is, therefore, better able to penetrate the skin. It can boost collagen production and increase the thickness of your skin, which makes it more elastic and therefore younger-looking. The best anti-aging benefits!
5. Lactic acid can help with dry and sensitive skin. It is more hydrating and gentler than glycolic acid, and it won’t thin the skin as glycolic acid has a tendency to do at the beginning of its use. This is a great beginner facial to start with and build up to a glycolic acid peel!
Both glycolic acid and lactic acid have the potential to damage your skin if used improperly, so it’s best to consult a professional aesthetician prior to use. For a fabulous list of facial services, check out Botanica Day Spa and discover that dreamy, youthful skin you’ve been craving! Contact us today at 727-441-1711 to book your facial and ask us about the right peel for you!
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