How to Help Reduce Under Eye Bags with Derma Rolling
“Have you had work done?” “Your lips, right? Or Botox?”
If you want your answer to be no, then you need to keep reading about how you can achieve these compliments with a non-surgical solution by developing a derma-rolling habit to get rid of your under-eye bags and overall plumper features!
The way to no more dark circles of under eye puffiness comes from a micro-needling treatment—and they stay gone in the weeks that follow…
Keep scrolling to read more about these miracle-working needles and how they work.
Benefits of Derma-Rolling for Under-Eye Bags
A derma-roller is the at-home version of micro-needling, an in-office cosmetic procedure (or magical facial service at your local day spa) that uses tiny needles to puncture the very first layer of skin. It works to rejuvenate skin by boosting collagen production. Some micro-needling devices are in pen form (wherein the needles are stamped rather than rolled into your skin) and often involve highly skilled experts. In both cases, skin is undergoing trauma via mini-needles, the most noticeable difference is whether those needles are being angled into your skin or not.
• Boosts collagen
• Thickens skin
• Fills in fine lines
Basically, the skin around your eyes is very thin and delicate. When you see dark circles, you’re actually just seeing the blood pool around your eyes through the skin. By making those tiny injuries in the skin, you’re putting collagen production into overdrive and literally thickening that skin. Doing so makes the blood much less visible and fills in those under-eye bags and lines, too.
One of the most remarkable aspects with micro-needling is that while these very noticeable results are certainly attainable with expert results during a specialized facial with professional grade micro needling (highly recommended by the way), you can see such a dramatic transformation at home too, with a comparably minute investment of $20 to $30 in a derma-roller—and far less blood, pain, and inflammation, too. Why isn’t everyone doing this?
Perhaps it’s because they just don’t know about it or where to begin. Maybe they’re convinced that it really hurts—all very understandable assumptions. So let’s clear that up, shall we?
What to Expect When Derma-Rolling Under-Eye Bags
Let’s get one myth out of the way: It really doesn’t hurt that much, especially when you’re the one in control. However, there are a few pointers to note before you begin rolling. First things first, never start derma-rolling without slathering on some kind of primer first: Not only does that medium serve as a buffer between the needles and your skin, but when you use a great treatment, you’re also literally pushing those ingredients deep into your skin for maximum absorption—far more than you would just by using your fingers and leaving it there. Use a serum with additional collagen-boosting ingredients like hyaluronic acid. Just be sure to avoid super-reactive elements like retinol or vitamin C.
At-Home Derma-Rolling vs. Facial Micro-Needling
Facial micro-needling means esthetician’s can get a bit deeper into your skin, as they are using professional tools like the aforementioned pens, which essentially work to “stamp” your face with needles rather than roll the needles across the skin.
Even though at-home devices might not go as deep into the skin, they can still be effective. When choosing a derma-roller to purchase, you need to pay attention to the needle size. Most experts I’ve spoken to advise anything between 0.2 and 0.75 millimeters for use at home. (Benjamin advises staying under 0.5 to avoid damage.).
You’ll want to replace your micro-roller after a few uses due to the potential of bacteria on the roller head.
Side Effects
Dermatologists and estheticians use something called a Dermapen for in-office treatments, and that’s a little more intense—bleeding is a common side effect. But a derma-roller is a little less hard-core, and you can press as hard as your pain threshold allows. (If you’ve ever experienced a cat licking your face, the sandpapery sensation is comparable.)
Make no mistake: Maintenance is key. If you go through periods where you stop derma-rolling (for reasons mostly having to do with laziness) only for those under-eye bags to start creeping in again, try setting up a routine. It’s your choice whether to embrace them or roll them away again—this is why professional micro needling is best.
Genetics have a role to play too but very long hours at the office and a stress-ridden lifestyle certainly doesn’t help. Even if you choose to diminish the shadows under your eyes with a heavy layer of color-correcting concealer, the bags will remain—and in some cases, the creasing will make them look even more obvious.
With micro needling, the premature lines on your face can disappear and your upper lip will plump up, and finally—finally—you don’t have to look so tired anymore, all thanks to micro-needling. And others will start to notice.
Still, the results don’t lie, so to see the best results, call Botanica Day Spa today to book your facial at 727-441-1711!
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