How Millennials View Skincare Differently Than Baby Boomers
Every woman dreams of feeling and looking beautiful as easily, effortlessly and constantly as possible. While there are many different things that can be considered as vital in helping one to achieve this sort of beauty, many women would readily agree that forever having the glowing, flawless skin of their youth is absolutely necessary. You may find that many of your personal skincare concerns are the same as others around you, but there are also some areas where they vary widely. That said, the overall trend of skincare concerns among women have suddenly shifted, indicating a marked difference between the cares and concerns of Millennials and the Baby Boomers who preceded them.
Skincare Concerns of Millennials vs. Baby Boomers
Generally speaking, the main skincare concerns of Baby Boomers revolved around the prevention and resolution of lines and wrinkles, in keeping with a general drive toward anti-aging products and practices. This obviously involved a more in-depth and long-term approach to skincare. Today, Millennials are demonstrating an entirely different view. They aren’t too concerned at all about preventing or resolving lines and wrinkles, perhaps partly because they don’t actually need to cope with them yet, but also because they seem to define and view beauty in a different way than their predecessors. Instead of pursuing in-depth and long-term methods of skincare, Millennials are much more interested in seeing immediate results in a beauty-from-the-inside-out approach, which is driving them to the use of cosmetics in order to achieve the “good enough” standard they are satisfied with. Contrary to what some may believe, this doesn’t appear to represent a lazy or defeatist attitude, but rather an inclination to appreciate who one is and how one looks without trying to fit into a certain mold. Millennials prefer the idea of aging gracefully, rather than looking for ways to slow down or stop the aging process. Wrinkles are even viewed by some as acceptable “smile lines” rather than skin imperfections.
Cosmetics allow Millennials to hide away any imperfections they may wish to, giving them the taut, radiant skin they desire immediately and without having to adhere to a strict skincare regimen. Some believe that the Millennials’ increased interest in cosmetics has something to do with the rising popularity of selfies–in a few moments, they can create the exact look they want in order to confidently publish their photograph on social media sites. There is a driving interest in maintaining simplicity in skincare, as well as a desire to pursue products that have been endorsed or recommended by doctors. Natural skincare products that have actually been around for a while have recently captured the interest of Millennials, even though this was not initially the intended target audience. Additionally, skincare products that work through ingestion, such as beauty-specific vitamins, supplements, and beverages, are considered an important part of skincare. In other words, Millennials truly embrace the idea that if you are healthy inside, you are bound to look beautiful on the outside–and if you need a little bit of help from cosmetics to boost you along, that’s completely acceptable. Some beauty companies that develop both skincare products and cosmetics are seeking to fill a need by looking for ways to blend skincare and cosmetics to some degree so that Millennials can experience the desired immediate benefits in addition to receiving other long-term benefits.
Finding Inner Beauty
At the end of the day, one can’t help but admit that Millennials may have touched on a valuable point anyone can learn from. The answer to how to feel beautiful is to find your self-worth and focus on that. Indulge in some well-deserved pampering at the spa every now and again and you will soon discover that the confidence you radiate outwardly will contribute far more to a natural, radiant beauty than all the anti-wrinkle creams you could possibly imagine.
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