How to Protect Your Lips from the Aging Process
Pucker up! We seem so focused on other aspects of our face that we may overlook one very important part: our lips. We may slap on some quick gloss or the occasional lip balm when t
How to Deal with Sensitive Skin in Your Family
There’s usually one in every family: the person who has sensitive skin. In some cases, all family members may struggle with sensitive skin issues, which makes it especially i
Nail Care Tips for the Winter Months
The harshness of winter can take a toll on our health and on our bodies. Just because we don’t get the freezing temperatures and piles of snow here in Florida, doesn’t
Mondays: How to Make Them Your Best Skin Day
If you had to pick your favorite day of the week, chances are Monday would be dead last. Mondays tend to feel even rougher than a usual workday because we just came off of enjoying
Sunscreen During Winter: Is it Necessary
It’s officially winter time! While we Floridians don’t exactly experience the typical winter weather that most of the other parts of the country do, we still have to de
Tips for Decluttering Your Makeup Bag for the New Year
At the end of every year, we reflect on the good and the bad and what we can do to ensure that we improve upon the bad for the upcoming New Year. Maybe you’ve decided to thro
Skincare Resolutions for 2016
It seems like we always make the same resolutions at the end of every year: eat healthier, go to the gym, and spend more time with our families. While all those are very important
What Makes a Good Day Spa
It seems like day spas are popping up all over the place these days as the need for pampering and relaxation continues to increase as the demands of life become more chaotic. How d
How Feeling Pretty Can Enhance Your Mood
Recently, a young high school student in Chicago conducted an experiment; she had people pose in front of a camera and then told them that she was taking pictures of things that sh
Tips for Fighting the Effects of Stress on Your Face
Stress. We all have to deal with it and work through it the best that we can. Whether it’s a high-stress job, or the sometimes overwhelming responsibilities we have raising a