Crystal Massage
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Do You Pick Your Face? Here’s How to Stop
Our new normal has shifted beyond anything we could of thought to happen this lifetime. Beyond watching how-to’s on hand-washing (who knew we needed a tutorial on this?) and
Exotic Facials
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, an bonorum partiendo sit. Ne alia graecis sit, duo natum errem ne, minim tollit nonumy eos at, quot molestie facilisi per.
Comfort Spa
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, an bonorum partiendo sit. Ne alia graecis sit, duo natum errem ne, minim tollit nonumy eos at, quot molestie facilisi per.
How Aromatherapy Can Help Us Deal With COVID Stress
Most of us think of self-care as enjoying a sheet mask or deep conditioning our hair one weekend. Now a lot of people’s viewpoints have shifted, but mine has not. I’ve always k
How to Smooth Forehead Wrinkles & Prevent Them
If you’ve ever looked in the mirror only to frown over fine lines on your forehead, know that you’re not alone. For those of us 25 and older, forehead wrinkles are one of the l
Why You’re Addicted to Cracking Your Knuckles & Should You Stop?
“Doesn’t that hurt?” “It will give you arthritis!” “Why do you crack your knuckles so much?” “Isn’t that bad for you?” We’ve heard it all, right? And I know,
The Simple Ways to Fix Uneven Skin Tone
When so many factors play into the condition of your skin tone and how even it is (or isn’t), achieving the buttery smooth complexion of your dreams is just that—a distant
Why Gratitude Journaling is Your Way to A Stress-Free Life
Gratitude journaling is hardly a new concept, but there’s a reason Oprah, the Dalai Lama, and countless others under the sun continue to sing its praises. Why should you consider
How to Have Your Best Skin From Here On Out
When it comes to skincare results, we want them now. Taking care of your skin today is a far better choice than trying to reverse issues later. But the reality is, for most skin