5 Things to Do Before Bed For Younger-Looking Skin
We are always looking for a lot of advice about our skin. We are genuinely (selfishly) interested in learning how best to care for our skin, and hearing professionals and reading reviews and articles about the best products and habits for younger-looking skin is as much a hobby as it is a career for some of us (and that’s okay! Our skin is ours to take care of and have looking the best for many years to come)!
Of course, there are products and habits that dermatologists recommend, and then there are those that they use themselves. What works for others and has rave reviews doesn’t mean it’s a one size fits all—something that is commonly overlooked in our conquest for eternal beauty.
In order to help shed some light on this, we first decided to focus on nighttime skin care routines. So, we have laid out and simplified honest nighttime skin care regimens that anyone can take and adapt to meet their specific needs.
Read on to find out exactly what the top picks we found and collected are to use on your skin each night!
1. Remove every stitch of makeup (but gently)
Going to bed with makeup on is a no-no. Cleansing your skin at night, you should have one goal in mind: to make sure all the makeup, dirt, and buildup on your skin is completely gone, while not stripping it of moisture. Cream cleansers with gentle, simple ingredients will be your best friend here for younger-looking skin.
2. Reach for a clinically tested anti-aging treatment
Everyone should take anti-aging serious and don’t mess around with ingredients that aren’t extensively backed by science. Retinol, glycolic acid, and antioxidants are among the ingredients you’ll find in the right nightly serums and treatments.
3. Make the eyes and lips a priority
It’s a truth universally acknowledged among professionals that by the time you’re in your 30s, the delicate skin around your eyes and lips needs extra nourishment. For the lips, try something super hydrating with good oils like avocado, shea butter, and coconut oil!
4. Never forget the neck
Skin care and your nightly routine doesn’t end at the borders of our face. The neck is an often neglected area and one of the places that can disclose age. Product containing hyaluronic acid for hydration, mixed fruit extracts to enhance exfoliation, white willow bark, which is a source of salicylic acid, and vitamin B5 are ideal for keeping neck wrinkles and sagging skin from appearing early.
5. Use a no-frills moisturizer
Just like cleanser, moisturizer is another product that you should know not to splurge on. Anti-aging products with clinical studies to back them up are where they spend their money. But the point of moisturizer is simply to seal the moisture barrier, so opt for something super basic for younger-looking skin.
Botanica Facials
When in doubt, come in for a facial to help your skin but also get educated from one of our stellar estheticians! We always strive to teach our clients about their face and what to do at home to keep it young and radiant for as long as possible. We also carry skin care products in our boutique shop and we can absolutely help you find the right ones to take home and start using!
Call Botanica Day Spa today to book your facial for younger-looking skin at 727-441-1711 or make it online here!
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